Doctor Weekend: Breastfeeding during the holidays | Bluffton icon

2021-12-13 15:56:10 By : Ms. Ruby Liu

This time of year is a considerable challenge for breastfeeding mothers. Although the happiness of the holiday is among us, with it comes the business and pressure of family gatherings, decoration, cooking, shopping, packaging and other holiday activities. This is also the season when we often see more upper respiratory tract infections. 

Studies have shown that breast milk helps protect infants and young children from infections that are common this season. However, during this time, breastfeeding and pumping can be extremely challenging for parents because we participate in all the extra activities that seem to require our already busy lives during the holidays. 

Many mothers have experienced a phenomenon called "accidental weaning". This happens when the breastfeeding mother is busy and the time between breastfeeding and pumping is getting longer. This has led to the provision of more bottles so that they can "complete the task." This also effectively reduces the milk supply. Many mothers cannot do all this every day. So, here are some tips to help breastfeeding mothers through the happy season, while using a little joy to protect their breastfeeding relationship.

Wear it for your baby. Wearing babies can prevent babies from being called frequently when they are with family and friends, and help you observe and respond to early signs of hunger. If your baby is worn, your family and friends are less likely to ask to hold him or her. As a bonus, this also reduces the risk of others sharing germs with babies.

Delegate tasks. If friends or relatives want to help, give them a task instead of a baby. Cleaning up, running errands, washing dishes, watching the dishes on the stove, etc. do not be shy.

Remind relatives to pass the baby back to you. If someone is holding your sleeping baby, remind him or her to hug you when the baby starts to wake up. Well-meaning relatives may "shush" your baby, thinking that they are helping you enjoy happiness, but they may also unknowingly become the reason why your baby does not feed regularly.

Easy to wear and use. If you are out for parties, celebrations, or shopping, make sure you wear easy-to-access clothes so you can take care of it effortlessly. At this time of year, a vest with a buttoned long-sleeved shirt is a good breastfeeding layer.

Plan adequate driving breaks. If traveling by car, allow plenty of time for breastfeeding. Never breastfeed or bottle feed in a moving car. In the event of a collision, the bottle will turn into a projectile. Infants and toddlers may experience motion sickness, and food/milk may pose a choking hazard when the vehicle is driving. If it is bottle feeding, please pay attention to the bottle. Never support the bottle. In addition, feeding breaks give everyone the opportunity to stretch their legs. 

For more advice, tips and breastfeeding support, please contact your local IBCLC (International Council Certified Lactation Consultant).